Bulgarian club

Bulgarian club (Thessaloniki, 1941- 1944) – Political-propaganda institution and military intelligence center of the Bulgarian government. This intelligence-emergency activity was managed by senior Bulgarian army officers. The club was formed by Macedonians by gender from the Aegean part of Macedonia (Dimitar Gjremov, Nepelko Chaushev, Nikola Filipov, etc.). In the political-propaganda activity, there were busy-appointed and completed Macedonians in Thessaloniki and in the interior (Mito Shalev from Kukush, Petar Düralachev of Vodina, etc.), who in the Macedonian-Bulgarian committee acted for creating a Probarian political and armed comic movement for Fighting the Macedonian national partisan movement. Lit.: Tashko Mamorovski, Bulgarian propaganda in southwest and central Aegean Macedonia (1941-1944), Skopje, 1989. M. Min.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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