Bojadzhiu, Gonja Agnes Nikolova

Bojadzhiu, Gonja Aglose Nikolova (Mother Teresa) (Skopje, 27. ⅷ 1910 – Calcutta, India, 4. IX 1997) – Catholic missionary and humanitarian. He finished high school in Skopje and entered the order of the mother of God from Lorett (Netste De Lorete) in Ireland (1928). The name Teresa took it according to the same French saint. Soon it went to India (1929) as a missionary for the poor and the sick in Calcutta and remained more than 65 years. There he founded the missionary of love makers (1948), which grew about 180 monk homes with about 1800 nuns, including a monk home in Skopje (1980). Over 56,000 people were treated in their facilities. The holder is of many world Humanity awards, honorary doctorates at universities, the Nobel Peace Prize (1979), the highest Indian peaceful recognition “Bair Rat Rate” (Pearl of India, 26. ⅰ 1980) and Special Prize for Peace and Education Naorsko (26. ⅶ 1992). The procedure for its proclamation of the Catholic Church must be initiated. Lit.: Gordana Braille, two Jean Yane Put. Living Sleek Indie – Indira Gandhi and Mother Teresa, “Vecernje Novosti”, Jujii, 8,087, Belgrade, 29. ⅱ 1980, 11; M. K., Mothers Teresi boluted Golden Plaque Courtja, “Politics”, Ljdjavia, 23968, Belgrade, 15. ⅷ 1990, 13; Protest of raped nuns. Letter from Mother Teresa to the Indian Prime Minister, “Nova Makedonija”, Julvi, 15646, Skopje, 15. 1990, 11; Special award for Mother Teresa, “Nova Makedonija”, Jelvia, 16348, Skopje, 27, 1992, 13; Natasha Dodkovska, Skopje Zaketa, “Pulse”, ⅶ, 312, Skopje, 10. 1997, 23-26; Jasmina Mironese, Skopje is a sacred place, “Pulse”, ⅷ, 363-364, Skopje, 2. ⅰ 1998, 67; Stojan Trentevski, Skopje’s mother Teresa, Skopje, 2003. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОЈАЏИУ, Гонџа Агнеза Николова

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