Bobev, Stefan Milanov

Bobev, Stefan Milanov (Veles, 1911 – Veles, 9. Xi 1944) – a participant in the revolutionary activities in Veles (from 1937). In 1941 – 1942 He participated in the preparations for the armed uprising: he collected weapons and sparked leaflets, declared other materials and supplied the partisan department “Dimitar Vlahov” with food, weapons and ammunition. In 1943 and 1944 He organized the massive departure of the young people from Veles in the partisans. He died in conflict with the Germans. Lit.: Veles and Veles in New 1941-1945. Memorial Book, T. Veles, 1985; Veles Partisan Squad 1942, Skopje, 1999 F. Malc.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОБЕВ, Стефан Миланов

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