Pale Protocol

Bledski Protocol (1947) – Protocol among delegations of the Governments of the FNR Yugoslavia and PR Bulgaria. After the negotiations (30. ⅶ – 1. ⅷ), on August 1, they signed a protocol on political, economic and cultural cooperation: 1. The two governments sign a friendship on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance; 2. Maximum economic cooperation, harmonization of the plans for economic development and preparations for the creation of a customs union; 3. With a separate agreement to establish a new regime for the two-way properties of the Yugoslav-Bulgarian border, simplify the passport formalities, to abolish the input and exit visas; 4. To extend rail and road links; 5. Coordination for attitude towards border provocations caused by Greece and all other important international problems affecting the interests of both parties; 6. Develop maximum possible cultural cooperation; 7. The FNRJ government to publish a special declaration of Brother Ski Gest that gives up reparations that are determined by a peace deal with Bulgaria in the amount of $ 25 million. An integral part of the Protocol is the 4 contributions: Harmonized text of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance; Agreement on economic cooperation; Agreement on customs relief and preparations for the Customs Union and Agreement on two-way properties. Lit.: Documents O Plaljus Politics SFRY, ⅱ, 1947; Balkan discussion, ⅲ, Belgrade, 1999. M. Min. Atanas Bliznakov.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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