BLGARANOV, Bojan Petkov

BLGARANOV, Bojan Petkov (Bogdan; Baus Ivan) (Shumen, 20 ⅹ 1896 – Sofia, 26. ⅻ 1972) – Bulgarian communist Dentist and statesman, General Colonel, Hero of NRB (1966) and the hero of the Socialist Through (1961). He was a prominent member of the BCP (Since 1920) and participant in the September Uprising (1923), and he was sentenced to death (1925), but the sentence was replaced by life imprisonment and was then amnestied (1933). As an immigrant in Moscow, it was educated and was a COMNTER official, and later a member of the CC of BCP (since 1937). In the time of NOVM was a proxy of the CC of the BCP at the Supreme Headquarters of Novj, but with a place of stay in Macedonia (1942 – to the beginning of 1944). After returning to Bulgaria, he was on various military command duties. Since 1945 By the end of life, it was uninterruptedly a member of the CC of BCP, Secretary of the CC of BCP (1956-1967) and chairman of the National Council of the Obegant Front (1967-1972). Exhibition: Proceedings Document O Nor-U, Tom ⅵ, Kj. 1-4 (Fighting U Makedosi 1941- 1944), Belgrade, 1954 and 1954; Sources for the Liberation War and the Revolution in Macedonia from 1941-1945, Tom and, KN. 1-7, Skopje, 1968-1983. Lit.: Macedonia from an institution to Frame 19411945. (Proceedings Radova), Belgrade, 1987; History of the Macedonian people, Tom Fifth, Ini, Skopje, 2003. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЛГАРАНОВ, Бојан Петков

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