The Battle of Rovine (17th ⅴ 1395) – Between the Ottoman army led by the Sultan Baya-Zit ⅰ and the Christian army of the Vlach ruler Duke Yo-Van Mirce. In the battle on the side of the Ottomans, as Vasali of Sultan Bayazit, the Macedonian rulers King Marko and Constantine Dragash also participated. In the fierce clash in the place of Rovine in Vlach (with an unspecified location), the Christian army of the Duke Mirce won victory and forced the Ottomans to withdraw. The battle killed King Marko and Constantine Dragash, and their territories in Macedonia fell under the direct government of the Ottomans. Lit.: SP. Radoychiћ, Lina Manasta Petre of OkraRa 1395. Cao source for the chronologist Bovina, theology, ⅱ / 4 (1927); Year’s head “Life Stephana Lazarevia” by Constantine philosophe (Bovenoma battle), “Christianh life,” 6 (1927); M. Dinћ, Chronicle Mujeenosk Kalu-era Cao source for Boyeva of Koso and Ravinoma, coinitions for kneadiness, Jesik, historu and folklore, ⅹⅴⅰⅰ / 1 (1937). K. Ag.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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