Fourth Macedonian National Liberation Brigade

Fourth Macedonian National Liberation Brigade (Lisets, Plushkovica, 24. ⅶ 1944 – 1945) – Military unit of New and Pom. It was formed by the Permalical NOOP, parts of the second and third Macedonian Nou brigade and newly arrived fighters. Leaded fighting against the Bulgarian forces in the village. Mitrashinci, Berovo (14. ⅷ), on PL. Plachkovica (16. ⅷ), Berovo (23. ⅷ) committed an attack on Vinica (30. ⅷ), and after the fighting with the German forces – liberated Strumica (9. ⅸ), after which he entered the composition of the fifth (Macedonian ) Division of Nova (17. – mid-October 1944) and continued with struggles with German forces in Strumica, villages Nova Maala and Amzali and communication Strumica-Berovo (22. ⅸ – 3. J). In seeking with other units, he liberated Berovo (13. J) and continued to attack German columns in the region of Goles, with Kosturino, the communication Valandovo-Strumica, and then liberated Valandovo, Udovo and Dojran (7. ⅺ), After which it was addressed to close the Yugoslav border from Gevgelija to Trumenting with Bulgaria. Darm, Darm, Skopje, F. 4th Macedonian But Brigade, 1944-1945; CB. Norr, T. Ⅶ, kn. 3, Belgrade, 1954. Lit.: Rade Gogov, Mladost Permaid, fourth Macedonian National Liberation Brigade, Belgrade, 1971; The same, military operations on ⅳ Macedonian National Liberation Brigade for the release of Strumica and Study in New Since September 1943 to 15 May 1945, Strumica and Strumica in New 1943- 1945, Strumica, 1983, 151-165; The establishment of the 4th Macedonian National Liberation Brigade and its actions in Kocani, Kocani and Kocani in New 1941-1945, Kocani, 1985, 368-379; The same, the actions of ⅳ Macedonian National Liberation Brigade for the liberation of Berovo and Berovo and the fascist occupiers, Maleshevia in New and Revolution 1941-1945, Shtip, 1986, 145-154; Dr. Vojo Kushevski, the radio station of ⅳ National Liberation Brigade, the 50th National Liberation Division and ⅲ Bregalnica-Strumica Corps of Novo and on Macedonia, “History”, JJdia, 1-2, Skopje, 1997, 31-49; Assoc. Prof. Metodija Manojlovski, the fourth Macedonian National Liberation Brigade, Skopje, 2004. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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