Heraclea Lyncestis (Herazlea Lterzstos) – An ancient city settlement located on the southern periphery of today’s city of Bitola. Founded by Philip ⅱ (According to F. Papazoglu) in the middle of ⅳ c. PR. AD, as an important strategic point for protection of all part of the archaeological site Heraclea Lyncestis, provinces, or, according to other scientists, from Philip, as part of his actions in the second Macedonian-Roman war (200- 197). The name Heraclea is mentioned at Stephen Byzantine (who informs that the city erected Philip, the son of Amynthus) and in Demosthen. And, 48). According to material culture (coins, terracotti, ceramics, several graves insisted in a rock, on the north slope under the acropolis), the life of the city is dated about 200 g. PR. AD, ie in the time of Philip C, and the first reliable data for the city originated from Strabon (ⅶ, 323), which he has taken from polibiby. And Claudius Ptolemy, when he talks about Macedonia, he mentions Lccesty with the city of Heralazlea (Ptol., Ⅲ, 12, 30). With the Roman occupation of Macedonia, Heraclea Lyncestis entered the fourth Merida and represented Via Pauspaths (p. , 1-3; 329, 10), Iretinerium Bustigalensis (606, 4-9), Tabula Petininean and geographer Raven ski. The oldest settlement, the assumed Castel built by Philip C, was located on the north of the city’s unearthed complex and later incorporated in the Roman city. According to the epigraphic monuments, the city was administratively arranged with the city council and with various municipalities, and residents with Roman civil law were written in the Trabi Travia. Part of the earliest urban parts in Heraclea are discovered under the episcopal complex and basilicies, where the remains of the city square and the Terms were found, and this urban core belongs to the theater. The North Annex from the square was a portio (and – the beginning of ⅱ c.) With a rectangular shape, where the western and northern wall stood statues with representations of emperors, citizens from the high social layers and representations of deities, while the part of the detected area The Terms includes all rooms that are necessary for a public object of this type (frigidarium, tempered, CLDDarium and Praevenium). The theater was located above the central city core, taking advantage of the slope of the hill. Built according to the propositions of the Roman theaters, he could collect up to 2,400 spectators. In ⅳ c. He stopped and grown into Majdan for the construction Rosested border of newlys-details of the mosaic in the Great Basilica in Heraclea Linkestis Amphitheater in Heraclea Lyncestis material. In a late antique, the area of the city was reduced, which is confirmed by material findings (Basilica D-EJTRA Muros and the city villa), and occupied a space of 5 ha, and was surrounded by defensive walls that were strengthened with towers in certain places. These interventions are the result of the persistent attacks by the Goths (472 and 479). In this period, the city grew into an episcopal headquarters, and its bishops participated in the church shooters. In the acts of the Council held in Serdica (347), “EUgrius A Macdomonia de Heralzlio Ldnzo” is mentioned. (Hier. 639, 1; 641, 5). Bishop Quintilius (Lintilius) participated in the gathering in Ephesus (449) and in Hhaltons (451), and in the acts of the Constantinople Council (553), “Benigunus EP appears. Herazelayana “(Mansi ⅸ 173 C, 190, 194 B, 197 A. B., 262 B, 389 B). The successor of Beniginus was John-Pahomius, whose monogram preserved the captain of the small basilica, the so-called. Basilica A (second half of ⅵ c.), As well as the inscription of the city fountain. From this period, the discovered sacred buildings are found: The Great Basilica (erected on the older construction, the so-called basilica b), the small Basilica and the cemole of the basilica, as well as the episcopal residence. The buildings were decorated with rich architectural plastics and polychrome mosaic floors with geometric, plant and animal performances and illustrated messages from the Bible. In ⅵ c. Micro-generated units were built on the area of the Roman theater. Life in the city Zamira at the end of ⅵ c., And the area of the cemelery basilica was later used for the necropolis of the Slavic tribes. Lit.: F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities of Roman Age, Skopje, 1957, 188-194; Heraclea, and-ⅲ, Bitola, 1961-1967; E. Maneva, several types and forms of elinist and Roman ceramics from Heraclea, special edition, 1, Bitola, 1979; T. Janakievski, theater, special editions, 2, Bitola, 1987; D. C. Tomasevic, Early Byzantine floor mosaics, Macedonia, Epirus and Dardania, Belgrade, 1978. A. C.-M.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet