Bektashi. (Ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c. – 1826) – heterodox dervish order. Founded by Hadzi Bektash, officially abolished (1826) of Sultan Mahmoud ⅱ (1808-1839). Were regarded as the guards of the Janissors. It is characterized by mysticism, based on heretical elements of the pre-evaluation period, by neglecting religious obligations, including the mandatory prayer. Secret teachings are Shia. They recognize the twelve imams, and the main person for them is Ali, whom they connect with Allah and with Muhammad. In their rituals there are many Christian elements, admitted to Anatolia and in their spread in the Balkans, especially in Albania, and hence in Western Macedonia. Played an important role in the Islamization of the Christian population due to the closeness of their rituals with Christian. They are also active today, especially in the Republic of Albania and Kosovo, and in the Republic of Macedonia it is in Arabati Baba Teke in Tetovo. Lit.: Jochn Kinging Birge, TePhe Bektaschy Order Op Dervishes, London, 1965; Aleksandar Matkovski, Resistance in Macedonia, ⅱ, Skopje, 1983; M. Seratoatics, Biktaelic Nedir?, ŠSTANBUL, 1969; M. Quarter, Les Bektaschis ET La Roemelie, Revue Des Eats Islamijes, ⅲ, Paris, 1927. Dr. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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