Trickovski, Branko (Kriva Palanka, 13 and 1952) – a journalist. He graduated from the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb. With journalism began in “Nova Makedonija” (1975), where he spent all professional staircase – from a junior associate to a constant correspondent in Sofia (1992/96), editor-commentator and assistant to the editor-in-chief (1997/99). Meanwhile at work in Macedonian Television (1985/86). One of the founders of “Utrinski vesnik” (1999), his first editor-in-chief. Since 2003 editor at “Utrinski vesnik”. First editor-in-chief of the weekly “Globe”. B. P. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТРИЧКОВСКИ, Бранко