Topolignska, Zuzana (Topulation, Zzwanne) (Warsaw, Poland, 2 and 1931) – linguist, Slavist; Specialist in West Slavic and South Slavic languages; Dialectologist, a syntaxist with a grestation on the Macedonian language. In 1983 Moved in the Republic of Macedonia and worked as prof.-Guest on the floor. for a glory. At the Faculty of Philology in the Grammar of Polish language (1983-1999), then 1992-1999 introduce the case Introduction to Slavistics. Chosen as a member of MANU outside of the working composition (1976), and after receiving Macedonian citizenship in the regular composition (1996), with an access lecture towards the definition of Article (1979). T. He collaborates in MANU linguistic projects managed by Akad. B. Vidoyeski. Together initiate the SP. SPPY (later SLPM). Since 1996 It undertakes the management of the Macedonian-Poland grammatical confrontation project, and since 1998 it is managed by international linguistic atlases and dialects in the Macedonian language. From 2000. Head of the newly established research center for Areal Linguistics (ICAL) at MANU. He is a member of the Warsaw Scientific Society (1983), Pau in Krakow (1991) and Sanu (1997). In 1997 T. He was selected for the Solor Honoris Casusa at the University “Cyril and Methodius”. The scientific activity has received several awards and recognitions from Pan, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1978 and 2005), from the Republic of Macedonia (1989) and SFRY (1990). In the initial period of scientific activity (1954-1964) in the spotlight of T. There is a West Slavic phonological and prosodic issues. Since 1964 It deals mainly with the semantically oriented grammar of the West Slavic and South Slavic languages, before the village of the Polish and the Macedonian language. BIB: Polish-Macedonian grammar confrontation 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 (1981-2006); Studies from the Macedonian-Bulgarian language confrontation (1996); Macedonian dialects in Aegean Macedonia, REC. “Syntax” 1 and 2 (1995, 1997). M. MASE. Blagoja Strategic Topuzovski.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТОПОЛИЊСКА, Зузана