Passionate (Great) Week (Velija Nedel) – Calendar custom, week before Easter (from flower schools to Easter). During these days, many customs are performed, especially on the Great Thursday when the red eggs are wiped. In Te-Vipcani and Decorated Easter Eggs Kot on that week in the past of Christianity, great events occurred: the secret dinner, betrayal, capturing, the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, then burial and resurrection. In the course of this week, the last preparations for the feast are made. On Saturday night, the Church is followed, where the Liturgy is followed and remains until half-night, in order to hear the news about the resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ. Lit.: Lazar Measures ¢, Herthology, Belgrade, 1961; Marko Kitevski, Macedonian holidays, Skopje 2001. M. Keith.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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