
Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki) – City in the Aegean part of Macedonia (RGR), with 407,900 h. (2002). It extends beside the northern coast of the Thessaloniki Bay and the western slopes of PL. Hortache. The best land connection to the north maintains along the valley of the r. Vardar, westward after the valley of the R. Bistrica, and through PL. Hortache with the eastern part of the Aegean part of Macedonia. S. is one of the biggest and most significant ancient Macedonian cities. He founded the Macedonian military leader, later King, Cassander in 315. PR. AD The new city called it on behalf of his wife Thessaloniki, sister of Alexander the Great. A quick development city is experiencing at the time of the Romans and in and c. It was valid for one of the biggest cities in the Balkans. In ⅳ c. grows into the second largest Byzantine city (after Constantinople), and from the end of ⅵ c. is exposed to permanent attacks from the Slavs and the Avars. However, the city endured all sieges and remained only by Byzantine stronghold in this part of the Balkan Peninsula. However, under the influence of the Slavic environment, S. Gradually, it was complexed in ⅸ c., according to Panonian Life of Methodius, “All Thessalonians speak the pure Church” St. Dimitrija “in Thessaloniki Slavic”. With certain interruptions, the city developed within the Byzantine Empire S “until 1430, when it falls under Turkish rule. Since 1912 It is an integral part of the Greek state. Greeks undertake reinforced denationalization of the Slavic population, especially emphasized in 1923. By populating a number of Greek colonists from Asia Minor. Thus, in 1928 S. He had 236,524 h. of which, 117.031 h. were colonists. The population has very much increased after the civil war in Greece, when numerous residents are migrated from all parts of northern Greece. Today is the second largest city in Greece (per Athens) and is the most developed industrial, cultural and educational and traffic center, with the largest port in the Aegean part of Macedonia. From 1923 to 1973 Yugoslavia had a free trade zone of 94,000 m 2, which for the Macedonian foreign trade had a pronounced significance. And today, this great overseas port, from where the oil pipeline to Skopje, for Macedonian panorama of today’s Thessalonika, is exceptional importance. S. is a university city and has a number of cultural and historical monuments like churches “St. Dimitrija “(city protector),” St. Sofia, “” St. Two-bed apostles, “then the Thessalonika Fortress, the Archaeological Museum, etc. Lit.: Todor Simovski, settlements in Aegean Macedonia, REC. And, Skopje 1978. A. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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