A noak

Norak (Norakos) – Old Paionian city. Mentioned with Stefan Byzantine together with Paionian cities Amidon, Dober and Bimas. Other data will not, nor is its location. Litt.: E. Petrova, Paionia, Skopje, 1999. K. M.R. Normans – North German (Scandinavian) tribes. Downloaded a plundering and colonizer-Norman cavalry before attack (1066) ski campaigns, formed their own countries in England (ⅺ-ⅹⅰⅰ c.), South Italy and Sicily (1130). In Macedonia they entered ⅺ (1081-1084 and 1096/1097) and in ⅹⅰⅰ c. (1107/1108; and in 1185 – they won Thessaloniki). Lit.: CH. Gratet, and D. Nitzolle, Te Te Nagans: Narnor Knitshtes and Teir Consignments, Odford, 2006; T. Ronple, Te Te Nagans, Glossistereshyer, 2004. B. Petr. Aleksandar Nashpal Noskpal, Aleksandar Todev

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НОРАК

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