Scriptovski, Georgi (Georgi Radev Ivanov) (village Hide, Drama, Aegean part of Macedonia, 1882 – Svilelograd, Bulgaria, 25. ⅱ 1925) – TMORO / VMRO. He finished the pedagogical school in Sir, where he became a member of TMORO, and then taught in several villages – Upper Torrest (Demir Hisar), p. Gorno Brody (SKSKO) and s. A concealment. He was Head of TMORO for Dramatic Borough, a fighter in Dimitar Guszhanov, Georgi Scripture Secretary of Jane Sandanski (1902), and then the diligent duke. With Ilija Argirov-brachal, he participated in the mining of the R. Angist. He was a member of the Serar District Revolutionary Committee of TMORO (1904), a supporter of the so-called. SERZA Group and Dislayer Duke of VMORO (1907). After the Young Turk Revolution, it was one of the founders of the National Federal Party (19081910). In the Balkan and the First World War, he acted in the background as supported by the Bulgarian army. He was a member of the United Jew VMRO’s intermediate office and the signatory of the appeal (9. ⅲ 1919). He accepted the socialist ideas and became a member of the BCP. He killed in the supreme purges. Lit.: Dr. Blaze Ristovski, processes from the Macedonian literary and national history, ⅲ, Skopje, 1990, 226, 512; The same, Macedonia and the Macedonian nation, Skopje, 1995, 305. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СКРИЖОВСКИ, Георги