Scoutiviric gorge – the longest gorge in the Republic of Macedonia with a length of 80 km. Stretches from the village. Scutivir in the southeastern part of Pelagonia to the village. Drivers in the Tikvesh valley. The black river in the gorge is stood mainly in crystalline shale – gneisses, and only in some places in granites. In a morphological gorge, three units are allocated. The first represents the compartment between the Pelagonia and the Mariovo valley, where the valleys are high more than 900 m; The second is in the spacious plateau of the Mariovo valley; The third extends from the mouth of the r. Bloody to the village. Drivers. The most impressive and most attractive part of the gorge is located between the mouths of the white river and coward, where more giant lines, rapids and cascels are formed high to 3 m. T. And.
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