Scorpions, false (pseudosclepios) – Minor organisms resemble scorpions, but are without a poisonous apparatus. There are about 1,500 species. Possess small pliers with which they accept food. Most often, the false false scorpion of peer movies, plant waste in the forests, under the stones, and often meet in human homes (under old books, pictures, etc.). Feed with minor insects. In Macedonia, this order is presented with 37 taxa (36 species and 1 subspecies) with a high degree of endemism, 27 endemics. Honor sort of us is a book false scorpion (Zhelifer Candaroides L.), which is encountered in library cupboards, herbariums and insects. Is not a pest. Foods with minor insects and ticks. Lit.: Bozidp.M.Murcic, Arachanoida-pseudosclepios. Zatellagus Fauna Yugoslavia, Lyubljanna, 1974, ⅲ / 4: 1-34; Bozhdarucurcic, P. M., Raikon. Kitrijevic, Slobe, Markov, Lukartr. Pucic, Ozerpins.Karama, Nanja and Litthle-Knutton FROM SHRPY TEMA Balkan Penininsula, Primplals From Tsavies, Belong, Belongi Families CHTHonoid and Neobsyida (pseudosociinda). Monografs, the Institute of Zoologists, Belgrade, 1997, ⅱ (2): 1-159; Group of authors, TSUNS Stade Fort Biodelysitis off the Republic of the Republic of Macedonia (FIRST VATHAL REPORT), Ministry of Environment and Phakstick, Skopje, 2003, PP.1-217. C. T. K. – M. Cr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СКОРПИИ, ЛАЖНИ