
Warehouse – territories inhabited by Slavic tribes, independent political-territorial, semi-civil society organizations, independent principals. They had their own management and a special military organization. The head stood selected leaders, named Archon, Exasy, Roxes, etc. Only one tribe is usually populated in each warehouse. In Macedonia in ⅵ-ⅶ c. In addition to the Slavs, he lived indigenous, who initially did not interfere with the Slavs. Macedonian stories have taken common attacks by Thessaloniki (586, 614-616, 618, 674-677) and Constantinople (626). The Byzantines took the campaigns for submitting the stories in Macedonia (ⅶ-ⅷ c.). In the fighting with Byzantium, most of the Macedonian warehouses recognized the Byzantine supreme power. Others, in the interior, lost their autonomy after the fall of Macedonia under Bulgarian rule (in the middle. Of ⅸ c.). Lit.: Stjepan Antholeak, Medieval Macedonia, and Skopje, 1985. K. Ag.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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