Russian-Chukarki, Nikola Petrov

Russian-Chukarki, Nikola Petrov (village Rusinovo, Maleshevo, 21. ⅹ 1875 – p. Rusinovo, 14. 1943) – Socialist, TMORO, TMORO, Duke, participant in the Ilinden Uprising. He finished the NCO school in Sofia. He was Cheton in the first Chief of Tmaleshevia (1897), and then in the company of Mr. Delchev. Nikola Rusinskaric in the western part of Macedonia (1900), became a duke and acted in Krushevo, Demir Hisar, Kicevo, Prilep, Ohrid, Struga, Bitola Pole and Mariovo (1900-1903). He participated in the Smilevo Congress and the Ilinden Uprising (in Prilep and Lerin). He left memories in eight notebooks. Exhibit. And Lit.: Lj. Lip, Nikola Petrov Russian as a source of the early period of the spread of socialist ideas in Macedonia, history, in, 2, Skopje, 1969; A. Trajanovski, the revolutionary activity of Nikola Rusinski in the Demir Hisar-Krushevo region, “Attachments”, no. 48-49, 1988; Nikola Petrov Russian memories. Prepare: D. Pachema and V. Kushevski, Skopje, 1997. Al. TR.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РУСИНСКИ-ЧУКАРСКИ, Никола Петров

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