Republic Hydrometeorological Institute

The Republic Hydrometeorological Institute – institution operating since 1947, established with the Decree on the establishment of “Hydrometeorological Service on the territory of the People’s Republic of Macedonia”. The Republic Hydro-Meteorological Institute performs the collection and processing of meteorological, hydrological and biometerological data, prepares and issues forecast for time and water, monitor the condition and air properties, water, soil, and more. Today he works as a Hydrometeorological Affairs Authority of the Republic of Macedonia. Lit.: Kole Jordanovski, Development of Hydrometeorological Service in SR Macedonia, “Hydrometeorological Messenger”, Skopje 1979; “Meteoresh”, Skopje, wounds and residues of villa rustic from Roman times. Stone architectural elements of an early Christian basilica of the city were probably used as softends in later facilities at the sites Tikvesh – Shakrule and a monastery. Lit.: I. Micricic, an ancient Willa Rustica in Tikves, “Annual Proceeding of the Faculty of Philosophy”, 23, Skopje, 1971, 269-285, plans 1-2; C. Lilcic, the lateness of Tikves and Vatica, “Annual Proceedings of the Faculty of Philosophy, 15-16 (41-42), Skopje, 1988-1989, 125-127, Plan Fig. 2; I. Muskyk, Spatantik Ud Fruchbindiszentiszhe Befestigungen In Nordmacedonian, Münzhen, 2002, but 251, 323-325. C. L.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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