Redava (city of Tikves), Kavadarcho – late antique and medieval city, 2.2 km west of the reserve. The dominant kotta hill (elevation of 286 m), today Island / Peninsula in Tikvesh Lake. Composed by the Acropolis, fortified plateau (60 x 35 m), a city (154 x 137 m) and western subtrad, today under lake waters (250 x 70 m). In the Acropolis there are unwrapped contours of a small one-aisled medieval church, a city tank for water and residential facility. In the city there is another similar church, west of the Acropolis, which is leaning on his wall. The city possesses complex cultural stratum: Archaic, classicenist, republican, late-generic, medieval and late Middle Ages (by the end of ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c. HE). The city grew up on the basis of the location of the ancient road along the valley of Erigon, which passed trade cars, armies and transports of rome treasures from the revivers of the Kozuv Mountain. In the immediate vicinity, the site’s cracking, the register of the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute in Skopje is registered
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