Radicevski, Nauma (Mesusta, Ohrid, 18. ⅴ 1953) – poet, critic, essayist, literary historian. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology. Professor is at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. BIB.: Existence and motives, poetry, 1975; Critical interpretations of young Macedonian literature, criticism and essays, 1983; Bright sad century, poetry, 1984; Contrasts, poetry, 1992; Relations and Continuity, Literary Studies, 1996; Metamorphosis, criticism, 1999; Time without word, studies, 2000; Transfiguration Human, poetry, 2001, etc. Lit.: Methods Manev, between the dream and Javelo, modernity, 1-3, 2000. P. Gil.
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