
Bees (apidence) – cipcrylic insects. Adapted for diet with floral powder and nectar. Their importance in nature and man is great, starting with the products they provide, honey and wax, and the pollination they perform in plants. The group covers species that have a solitary way of life, or associate in a well-organized honey bee (APAF MELLIFI L.) Families. Social types of bees live in a community of 20,000 to 70,000 Bees Rabotnickes, one House and 800 to 3,000 shots that occur only in the summer. Each of these Community articles performs exactly a certain thing. In Macedonia, race Mariovo bee from the type of European honey bee is known (APAF MELLILIFI L.). Lit.: Jonce Sapkarev, Zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje, 1991. V. T. K. – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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