Pulevski, Gjorgjia M

Pulevski, Gjorgjia M. (Galichnik, 1822/23 – Sofia, 13. 1893) – Phase-masonry, committee, volunteer in Serbian Turkish and Duke in the Russian-Turkish war, rebellion and duke in the Kresena Macedonian Uprising, but an ambitious autooditarian, a lexicography, a lexicography, Gramatic, historian, poet and collector and publisher of folk art and rebirth ideologue of the Macedonian national awakening and revolutionary liberation movement. In the Committal Movement in Macedonia, it enters 1847, and after the chapter in Romania, it comes to Belgrade and as “First Sergeant of Pontonic Chief”, along with the company of Iljo Maleshevski, he takes part in the fighting with the Turkish garrison (1862-1863). Collect lexical and other materials after Northwestern Macedonia and publishes in Belgrade The first scheduled-mask-Albanian-Turkish-Greek Glossary (1873), and two years and the second vocabulary of three Georgjia Pulevski: the manuscript of Slavic-Square General History (1892) Land (Slavic Macedonian-Albanian-Turkish), where he first exposes the Macedonian national ideology, declaring that “and Macedonians are the people and their place is Macedonia,” that “our swelling Macedonia is saying, That “Macedonian language is the most obscure with the Church Books and he is Oldoslavian.” At that time it proposes for publication (1875) and the first version of the grammar (“Community”). After participating in the Serbian-Turkish (1876) and the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878), with its company as the avant-garde of Russian armies, it reaches piano in eastern Macedonia. For participation and courage gets Order “St. George, and Light-bruise medal, as well as Saber from the Russian Emperor and is appointed by Troyan Trustee and then the liberated Kyustendil. After the Berlin Congress (1878), when only Macedonia $ was returned to Turkey and was caused by the Kresena Macedonian Uprising (1878-1879), it is included as a duke and a member of the Military Council and remains the last of the battle positions (25. 1879). Dissatisfied with the results of the liberation movement, Rechovska (1880) is stated in Sofia (with his wife and both children, as well as with the children of the killed sister), and is given to the gathering and creative activity. Separately publishes the first revolutionary poem in the Macedonian language fairy Macedonian (1878) and the first two-part poke in Macedonian (with their own and folk songs) “Macedonian Song on” (1879). After a year, the first part of the textbook “Drogenica Revovska” (1880) was printed, which is the first printed grammar of the Macedonian language. Long work on the preparation of the manuscript “Language”, and the extensive “Slavic-Skeeper General History” (1892), which is the first history of the Macedonian people from the Macedonian and the most extensive work in Macedonian language to the liberation. A supporter of the ideology that the ancient Macedonians were Slavs, paid special attention to the history of the Macedonian dynasty and especially Philip ⅱ and Alexander ⅲ, creating the first Macedonian version of the “Alexandried”. His announced manuscripts were not found: the faulty, a landmaker, the folk point, humbly and customs and songs Yugoslav. As a predecessor and contemporary of the “growers”, it organizes the first known literary association Slaven-Macedonian literary company (Sofia, 1888), which aimed “to reborn the national Macedonian literature”. With its textbook, lexical, philological, literary and historiographical national work and with the participation in the wars and the share-revolutionary movement P. It became a ban between two epochs from Macedonian history: it marked national tasks based on cultural and historical heritage, stressed the needs of its modernity and expectations for the future of Macedonia. BBB.: Dictionary реí Four Jesika. I. Serbian-Albanian. Ⅱ. Arban-Arnauthentic. Ⅲ. Turkish. Ⅳ. Greek. Screwed and articles of ico -ORM M. Pool

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПУЛЕВСКИ, Ѓорѓија М

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