Ptolemaid (323 BC – 30 G. BC) – Macedonian dynasty, ruled Egypt. The founder of the dynasty was the first ruler Ptolemaj, the son of LAG, born in Eordia, educated by the Macedonian palace, one of the heights and close associate of Alexander ⅲ Macedonian. It was stressed as a military leader in more battles in the East. The campaign of Aleksandar Macedonian describes him in his work, preserved through Ariano “Anabasa”. After the death of Alexander, Ptolemaj became the manager of Egypt (323-283), and after the first conflict between the diaados he received unlimited power in Egypt. For the king of Egypt, he declared 305/6. ST. is. It is considered the founder of the museum and the library in Alexandria – Cultural Center in T. . Hellenistic epoch. He inherited his son Ptolemaj ⅱ Philadelph (283-246). In his rule, Egypt grows into the most powerful military and economic power of the Eastern Mediterranean. Other more significant rulers were: Ptolemaj ⅲ (246-221), Ptolemaj ⅳ Philonator (221-205), Ptolemaj ⅴ Epiphang (204-180). The last of the Ptolemeidi Dynasty was Cleopatra ⅶ (51 / 2-30). Her life and governance were related to the Roman Republic. With Guy Julius Caesar, he has a child, and with Consul Marco Anthony fought against Octavian August. The last battle in which Cleopatra’s armies and Antonia were defeated in Action (31 G. E.), after which the Queen committed suicide. After her death, Egypt came under Roman rule, converted into a Roman province. Lit.: Arian, Alexandr’s Anabasa. Prev. M. Buzalkova, Skopje, 2000; F. Papazoglu, History of the Hellenistic period, Skopje, 1995. R. Iljovski, who and when ruled by Macedonia, Skopje, 2003. A. Shook. Gjorgjia M. Pulevski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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