Private property in the DFM / NRM / SRM / RM

Private property in the DFM / NRM / SRM / Republic of Macedonia – the right of every citizen to freely dispose of the property or to have full of power on the items (plane Inn Re-East). This right is guaranteed in the Declaration of ASNOM for the fundamental rights of the citizen of Democratic Macedonia since 1944, along with the right of a private initiative in the business life. The same attitude towards private property is also the Constitution of the NRM since 1946, determining the property of private individuals and legal entities for the basis of the socio-economic arrangement of NRM, along with the common property and co-operative property. The constitutions of the SRM of 1963 and 1974. They guarantee the right to personal labor with funds owned by citizens in craftsmanship, hospitality and service activities, as well as in the field of art, culture, lawyer and other professional activities, including the right of an apartment and agricultural land of 10 ha. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia since 1991 It guarantees the right to private property without restrictions, along with freedom of market and entrepreneurship. No one can be confiscated or restricted by ownership and rights arising from private property, unless it is a public interest determined by law. In case of expropriation of ownership, or in case of limitation of ownership, a fair compensation is guaranteed that can not be lower than the market value. The Law on Property and Other Real Rights of 2001 It regulates the content, legal action, limitations and subject of the right to property. Exhibition: Law on Property and Other Real Rights, “Official Gazette”, no. 18/2001, Skopje, 2001. Lit: Svetomir Karic, constitutional right of the SFRY, the first book, Skopje, 1986. St. w.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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