Popovska, Joanna (Bitola, 18. ⅵ 1943) – Actress. Article in the National Theater in Bitola of 1960. (He performed at him at the age of five); Then in the MNT drama (1978-1994). She also participated in representations for children, on radiographers and TV plays and series. Roles: Desdemona (“Othello”); Petrile (“Dundo Morrene”); Ophelia (“Hamlet”); Belly (“Ms. Minister”); Mara (“Mara wedding”); Anne (“black hole”); Electra in the same work; Great (“Piraeus”); Elizabeth (“Richard ⅲ”). R. ST. Liljana Popovska.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВСКА, Јоана