Pingov, Vladimir (Veles, 1863 – Thessaloniki, 29. ⅳ 1903) – Gemija, one of the Thessaloniki assassins. He rented a shop – a barber shop for the camouflage of the external tunnel to the Ottoman bank. He died in a struggle with Ottoman soldiers in a planned attempt to blow up the Hotel “Vardar”, along with the Gemidija Marko Bosekov. Lit.: Dr Krste Bitoski, Thessaloniki assassinations 1903, Ini, Skopje, 1985; Jovan Pavlovski, the Gemids, “Matica Makedonska”, Skopje, 1997. S. Ml. One of the most successful generations of Macedonian pingo
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПИНГОВ, Владимир