Petrov, Nikola Milanov (village Kolesino, Strumica, 3. ⅹⅰⅰ 1937) – Pedagogue, university professor. He finished the Teacher School and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1959). The same faculty defended the doctoral dissertation (1980). For an assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy, he was elected in 1966, and for a full professor of subjects preschool pedagogy and methodology of pre-school education in 1991. Since 1996 he is a professor at the Pedagogical Faculty in Skopje. He was head of the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy, Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty “St. Kliment Ohridski, editor-in-chief of the magazines “Enlightenment” and “pre-school”, President of the Council for Consultation and Education of the Children of Macedonia. It deals with preschool pedagogy. Author / co-author is on a number of papers, especially in the field of pre-school education methodology. BIB.: The child in nature and the surrounding area, 1986; Creativity and upbringing, (co-author), 1995; Methods of development and culture of speech with a practicum, (co-author), 1996, etc. Lit.: Faculty of Philosophy: 1946-1996, Skopje, 1976, 49. K. Camb.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТРОВ, Никола Миланов