Butterflies, daily

Butterugs, daily (Hespectio and papillions) – Insects with two pairs, almost, equally large wings. Living are colored; have thin, sticky and ultimately bold antennas; thin body and vertically assembled wings when resting. Active are pre-daily butterfly house day. In Macedonia, 201 sort of daily butterfiries are known, arranged in two observyrias Hespectioida and papillions, featuring 8 families: obesent butterfire (HEPENDIA) represented by 25 species; Landbooks (papillodidida), there are 7 species, of which 5 taxa are endemic; White butterflies (Pierida) 24 species, of which 3 taxa are endemic; Blue and copper butterflies, represented by 56 species, of which 2 taxa are endemic; Colorful butterfire (NMMPHhalida), there are 39 species, 2 of which are endemic; Butterfly Tweeted (Lasterheida), represented 1 kind; Piley butterphy (Rioninida) are represented by 1 type and Okati butterflies (satrid) are represented by 48 species, of which 9 taxa are endemic. Lit.: Joseph Thurner, Diet Lepidopperfood Yugosljesh Mazedonneens. I. Runderults Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1964; Pau Vladimir Pipagz Branislava Mihailova, gownapter Zleopra (Linnéeus 1767), and Neja Species Off Teja Butter Fauna Inn Macdonia (Lepidoptera: Pierida), Actomology Slavalica, Lyubjanan, 1997, 5 (2): 113-1 116; Vladimir Rowz and Branislava Mihailova, Biodiversity Oh Macendonia Fromm I Vinj Point Off Interest Faunisti. Participidion Nander’s UNDERPOYCT: Classes Inspit, MACEDONIAN Museum of Natural Historz – Ministry of Otch, Final Report, Skopje, 1999, 23-30; Group of Av-Tori, TSUNS Stade Fort Biodelysitis off the Republic of the Republic of Macedonia (FIRST VATHAL REPORT), Ministry of Environment and PCSpenska Planing, Skopje, 2003. V. T. K. – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕПЕРУГИ, ДНЕВНИ

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