Acev, Peter (village Oreov, Prilep, 7. ⅵ 1877 – Plovdiv, 20. ⅳ 1939) – Teacher, revolutionary, Prilep district duke. He was a teacher in the village. Pletvar, Prilep (1897-1901), Secretary of the Orc of TMORO (1898-1902), Narely Prilep Duke (1902-1907), a participant at the Smilevo Congress (1903) and elected reserve member of the rebellious headquarters, and in the Ilinden Uprising led a lead Chief. After the uprising he participated in the fighting in the village. Rajcani, Kocani (1905), where he was wounded; of the blade (1907) and elsewhere. He was a member of the Bitola Ork (1906) of the VMORO. After the Young Turk Revolution was collected in Prilep. He was a school inspector in Krushevo (1908-1909). He participated in the Balkan and World War I. Lit.: Mr. Trajichev, city of Prilep, Sophie®, 1925; H. Sil®Onov, the eligible fighting for Macedonia, ⅰ¶, Sophie®, 1983. Al. TR. Dimitar Acev Acev (Schumanov), Dimitar
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЦЕВ, Петар