Relations between MOC and SPC

Relations between the MOC and the SOC. The first bishopric of the southern Slavs founded St. Kliment Ohridski, who, after the proclamation of Samuel for King, received the highest church level – Patriarchate, and after the collapse of Samuil’s Kingdom (1018), Vasily II illuminated him on a lower rank (Ohrid Archbishopric) and thus survived until 1767, when It is illegal to abolish the Sultan Mustafa ⅲ. In accordance with the canonical rule of ⅳ space council, the Serbian state of Stephen Nemanja (1219) is an ambition for declaring a Serbian Orthodox Church, independent of the Ohrid Archbishopric, but not from the meeting of representatives of the MOC and the SOC (2004) canonical by obtaining consent / Blessing from the Ohrid, but by another, an incompetent Archbishop. When the Ottomans abolish the Pec Patriarchate (middle of ⅹⅴ c.), Part of its dioceses are placed under the jurisdiction of the Ohrid Archbishopric, and vice versa, in 1557. The Pec Patriarchate is renewed, and part of the dioceses in Macedonia is revoked from the jurisdiction of the Ohrid Archbishopric. In 1920 The Serbian government buys the Macedonian dioceses of the Constantinople Patriarchate, contrary to the canonical rules, without the consent of their bishop, and since then, mostly on that fact, based “historical law” as a church-mother in relation to the MOC. The exception is the period 1950- 1959, when the Serbian Patriarch is a labbility, which began to work on addressing the issue of autocephaly of the MOC, tirelessly raised by Macedonian spiritual persons, with great support from Macedonian believers, explicitly expressed on and and ⅱ church gathering . The Holy Archive of Synod of the SOC on 17. ⅵ 1959. Provides consent (canonical release) Macedonian dioceses to separate in an independent Macedonian Orthodox Church that will be managed according to their own, newcoming constitution, led by its own church head – Archbishop. Shortly thereafter, after the suggestion of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of Athengora (Greek originating), the hidden, but there is still very strong Serb hegemonism and the decision begins to ignore it, which does not exist at all, leading to the revolt among the Macedonian church and spiritual fraternity, which on 18. ⅶ 1967 It declares the MOC, as the successor to the renewed Ohrid Archbishopric, for Afotocal. Since then, the MOC is waiting for recognition from the SOC. Among the two churches, negotiations on the key problem, in which the Russian Orthodox Church is included in the capacitor. Cane Mojanoski, the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Documents, Skopje, 2004. Lit.: S. Dimevski, history of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1989; D. Dimevski, resolving the dispute between the Macedonian and Serbian Orthodox Church using political and diplomatic techniques and methods, master thesis, Skopje, 2007. T. Petr. The synagogue “Oral Dalm”, Bitola

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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