Nakk, Sterjo Mitev

Nakov, Sterja Mitev (1948, Stip, R. Macedonia) & economist, a famous Macedonian businessmen. Works in Macedonian Railways (1973 & 1983), first as head of the department of commercial work and later as director of the internal bank within the Macedonian Railways. Since 1983 is the Director General and Chairman of the Board of the Spedition Company Fersped AD – Skopje, when the Fersped Group achieved a strong growth and development, diversifying its economic activity and in the field of tourism and hospitality, the production of wine, etc. Member of numerous business associations. For the results achieved, it was declared a businessman of the year in 1993. R. Maria Nakova

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НАКОВ, штерјо Митев

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