Mihailov, Vladimir (Bell-city, 27. ⅳ 1939) – Construction engineer in the field of engineering Seismology. He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (1963). Master degree in Iziis, Skopje (1967), while Phmief in Zagreb (1978), as the first doctor of Seismology from Macedonia. Regular prof. And a famous scientist in the field of engineering seismology. He is the author of over 500 scientific and professional papers, published in the country and abroad. He participated in many scientific gatherings. He was chairman of the Community for Safeology of SFRY and a member of the presidency of several international associations. He was a member of the Senate of UKIM. The holder is of several state and scientific awards and awards. K. Tal. Gordana Mihailovebovska
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИХАИЛОВ, Владимир