Mitrevski, Nicholas

Mitrevski, Nicholas (village Staravina, Bitola, 1947) – art historian. Primary and gymnasium ended in Bi-Nikola Mitrevski Tola, and then graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje – Art History Group (1982). During these studies, the Institute for Classical Studies. He first worked in the Center for Contemporary Art of the National Museum in Prilep (1975-1980), and then crossed the Institute of Old Slavic Culture in Prilep, where he was elected in the titles of expert associate (1982) and senior expert associate (1988). After the defense of the master’s topic “The monastery of St. Nicholas in the village of Slepce at Prilep” at the Faculty of Philosophy – Art History in Belgrade (1994) was elected in the Breading Assistant researcher, and after the defense of the doctoral dissertation on the topic “Frescoos in Pelagonia from the middle At the end of the ⅹⅴⅰⅰ century, “the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (2000) was elected in the title of a scientific associate and later in a senior research associate (2003) and scientific adviser (2006). Was Secretary of Scientific Coordination and Secretary of the Institute Publishing Council (1984-1990), Secretary of the Yugoslav National Committee of the International Union for Slavic Archeology and Technical Secretary of the Real Encyclopedia for Yugoslavia (1984-1988), Vice President (2001- 2003) and chairman of the Council of the Institute of Old Slavic Culture in Prilep (from 2004), member (from 2004) and replacement of the Senate of the University “St. Kliment Ohridski “in Bitola (since 2006). S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИТРЕВСКИ, Никола

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