Misinopolite, Dimitrij.

Misinopolite, Demetrius – Byzantine rulers, the restored church “St. Dimitrija “in Prilep (Varos) about 1290 His portrait is preserved on the north wall of the upgraded southern annex to the church. He is dressed in government clothes, hands handed to the patron of the Church – St. Dimitria. His name is known in historical sources. It is mentioned in the first feverish charter (1334/35), when he was no longer among the living. However, his children are mentioned in the Charter, who, at the time of her release were already adults. Lit.: P. Miljkovic-PSAB, newly discovered architectural and painting monuments in Macedonia from ⅺ-ⅹⅰⅰ c., “Cultural Heritage”, 5, Skopje, 1974; C. RISTION, Church “St. Dimitrija “U Prilence,” synthesis, “10, Krusevac, 1979; C. J. ™ Urveni, Byzantzche Freske U Yugoslavians, Belgrade, 1974. Z. R.- Misirkov, Krste Petkov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИСИНОПОЛИТ, Димитриј

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