Meckin stone

Mechkin Kamen – Mestality Close to Krushevo, where a great battle for defense of the city (1903) was conducted. Investigations from the departure of Duke Pitu Guli for hours retained the Ottoman army and the bashibo. About 45 rebels, July, were killed in a fierce battle. Todorovski: Monument to the Cheater of Pitu Guli, the Mechkin Kamen, Krusevo, but with the Duke Pitu Guli. Ottoman losses were huge. After the breakthrough of Mechkin stone Ottoman forces on 13. ⅷ 1903 took Krushevo. The city was shelled, burned and robbed. Lit.: History of Krushevo and Krusevo, Krushevo, 1978; A. Trajanovski, the participation of the peasantry from Krusevo in the Ilinden Uprising. CB. Attachments for Ilinden, C, Bitola-Krushevo, 1983; K. Topuzoski, Mechkin Kamen, Krusevo, 1986. Al. TR.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МЕЧКИН КАМЕН

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