Metamorphic rocks – are still called converted rocks, which occur in the metamorphism process, with increased pressures and temperatures, with the transformation of sedimentary or magmatic rocks. If they arise with the transformation of sedimentary rocks, they are called parametamorphic rocks, and if they occur with the transformation of magmatic rocks, they are called orthometomamorphic rocks. The structures of metamorphic rocks can be relict or syngenetic. The most common syngecenic structures are: the granoblastic, glueolastic and non-mobastic. The texture of metamorphic rocks is mostly slick. On the basis of the taple, the slopery metamorphic rocks (argylloshists, philits, shale, michases, gneisses, etc.), and massive metamorphic rocks (marbles, spines, quartzites, etc.). On the territory of the Republic of Macedonia are widespread rocks and appear in the metamorphic series in all geotectral units (the West-Macedonian zone, the Pelagonija Metamorphen complex, the Vardar zone and the Serbian-Macedonian mass). Lit.: Risto Stojanov, Blazo Boev, Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks, RGF, Stip, 1999 BL. B.
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