Meletius ⅱ – Sofia Metropolitan and Ohrid Archbishop (24. ⅹ 1676 – The second half of 1677). The post was elected with particular benevolence of the Patriarch of Constantinople. He traveled for seeking assistance in Russia. It is known as the compilator of the Code of the Ohrid Archbishopric (1 ⅴ 1677). He gave up the function of financial reasons and pressure on the betrayal expectations of the fanaryotes. With the recommendation of the Constantinople Patriarch of Parthenius (1680) he went to Malova and Malarusia and he served six years in the church “St. Michael “in the city of Nezin. At reception, the Russian King (8. 1686) gave a cross from a precious tree. He stayed in the Triaca Lavra, but for health reasons he was forced to return to Molarusia, where he was represented as Ohrid Patriarch. Following a written protest from the Jerusalem Patriarch, Dosoli in Moscow and his present interrogation, Russian authorities forbid him so as to him. Lit.: Ivan Snarar, Historge of the Ohrid Archbishopage, t. 2. From the Paduation $ under the Turks to the Nejhika (1394-1767), Sophage, 1931; John Belchovski, chronological list of the Heads of the Ohrid Archbishopric (Patriarchate), “Annual Proceedings” of theological faculty “St. Clement of Ohrid”, REC. 8, Skopje, 2002, 65-66. S. Ml.
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