The Macedonian League – a national liberation organization of Macedonian immigrants in Bulgaria, constituted after the suppression of the Kresena Macedonian Uprising. At the end of 1879 In Ruse (Bulgaria), the Bulgarian-Macedonian League for the release of Macedonia was founded. When the European Commission for Reforms in Macedonia, Ohrid Vasil Dvomendiev and the Veles Georgi A. Georgov form the Macedonian League (1880) composed of five members, organized by the reputation of the Irish League. The organizers believed that the recorded Macedonian emigration in principality Bulgaria will be involved in the Macedonian league “Pirin Mountain” and under the leadership of 17 dukes and the establishment of the temporary administration of Macedonia will be an adequate liberation military force. Through the Russian diplomat M. A. Hitrovo, league floor-m. A. Hitrovo, Russian consul in Bitola Suva Memorandum to the Constantinople Ambassador Conference, as well as to the Berlin International Conference with sharp threats for great uprising if the ultimate requirements do not meet. The league had an “instruction” (instead of a constitution), which determines: “Every Macedonian living in the principality of Bulgaria should be considered as a member of a member of the assistant and unconditionally obey the routine league.” Among the tasks was the creation of an organic constitution of Macedonia. The league, after the reputation of the Belgian Constitution, prepared a “constitution for the future state regulation of Macedonia”, as well as two extensive military instructions “for the organization of the Macedonian army in the autonomous state of Macedonia”. In the preamble of the Constitution, the basic objectives and tasks are fixed: “Interpreting the aspiration and the desire of the great majority of the population in the territory, which is the name of Macedonia for centuries, and in order to always prevent the suffering and intrigues around its coasting by the The Balkan states, taking into account Art. 23 of the Berlin Agreement for providing autonomy of individual areas in European Turkey, the Macedonian League, the only legitimate representative of the Slavic majority of the population in Macedonia, prepared this Constitution for the future state regulation of Macedonia “(1880). With Art. The 100 league is obligated to submit the Constitution to the high port, to the representatives of the European major forces, to the neighboring Balkan principals and to make their consent for his exercise in life, “and with Art. 103 It is determined “to send to the interim government of Macedonia in Grain-Teke for harmonization and acceptance”. On June 23, 1880, with the signature of the Duke of Pirin Mountain, the Interim Administration of Macedonia directs a letter to the signatories of the Berlin Treaty for fulfillment of Art. 23. The acts of the league represent the ideal matrix for the further acquittal in Macedonia. Lit.: Slavko Dimevski, Vlado Popovski, Svetumir Karic, Mihajlo Apostolski, the Macedonian League and the Constitution for the state regulation of Macedonia from 1880, Skopje, 1985; Blaze Ristovski, history of the Macedonian nation, Skopje, 1999, 58-71. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet