Avodovic, Alia

Avadovic, Alia (village Since Since Since Skopsko, 1912 – Camp Banjica, September 1941) – Communist Dean. He finished elementary school in his native village and Medresa in Skopje, where he joined the progressive youth movement. As a student at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje and a member of the Progressive Student Movement, he was persecuted by the Serbian police, and in a party burst was arrested (in late 1934) and sentenced as a communist under the Law on Protection of the State. He supported the sentence in the prison in Sremska Mitrovica, where he gained a rich revolutionary experience. After leaving prison, due to disturbed health, he stayed in hospital and sanatorium for some time, but continued with the communist activity in his native village and the surrounding area. In Sinzelic, he also established a group of activists (1939), engaged in the village self-help and in folk aid for the participants in working strikes in Skopje. After the fascist occupation, due to the anti-fascist activity was arrested (6. 1941), conducted at the Banjica camp and with a group of prisoners Shot from Gestapo. Before shooting, several prisoners were returned from the shooting range, when the issue of gestures for allocating the Communists, replied: “There are no other communists here except Boro Todorovic and me.” Lit.: They were killed, Skopje, 1969, 22-23; Tyo Milosevski, memories of the NOB, Archive of Skopje, 1975, 10; Cross health, not to be forgotten, Skopje, 1982, 65-66. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АВДОВИЌ, Алија

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