Logic in Macedonia

The logic in Macedonia .- a philosophical discipline that studies the notions, principles and laws used by all sciences in the discovery, establishing and systematizing knowledge in its areas (wider meaning). In this meaning, it covers logical disciplines: theory of cognition, formal logic and methodology; The closer meaning of the term logic is only one of its part – the deductive or formal logic, which always explores the true statements, regardless of the content (logical laws) and logical tracks. As theoretical and teaching discipline, the logic in Macedonia develops from the opening of the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1946). Initially, the logic taught professors from other university centers in the then Yugoslavia: (c.) Life Radovic, Bogdan Sesic and Zagorka Micic, who published several textbooks in logic, but at the same time they helped in shaping their own teaching-scientific staff. Soon doctoral dissertations from this area defenses (c.) Josifovski and Mitko Ilievski and acquired qualifications for independent work in this field. Especially merit for the development of logic in Macedonia has prof. Josifovski, who introduced contemporary formal (symbolic) logic in education with us, and which is the basis of all contemporary science and computer technology. The Institute of Philosophy was realized several scientific-research projects in this area: “Logical analysis and formalization of the Macedonian literary language”, “contemporary tendencies in theory of the argumentation” and “Macedonian logical terminology”. Modern logic has developed and affirmed and across several non-institutionalized Forts: Interdisciplinary course (continuously more semesters) “logic, language, artificial intelligence”, with lecturers from the philosophical, philological, electrotechnical and natural and mathematics and listeners of various Professions and profiles; For many years, at the Philosophy Institute, a logical atelje is working, in which students from various faculties participate. In parallel, other logical disciplines were developed: theory of cognition, epistemology, methodology, etc. The general feature of logic in the Republic of Macedonia is the upgrading and expression of the existing logical apparatus, developing new logical means; Its practical application in various research areas (linguistics, law, informatics, etc.); Philosophical thinking of values, opportunities and boundaries of individual logical-methodical procedures, as well as the consequences of their application. Lit.: V. Panzova, Logic – General Theory of Rationality, Skopje, 1999; Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje: 1920- 1946-2006, Skopje, 2006, 81-87. C. Panz.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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