Latin kingdom

Latin Empire (1204- 1261) – State established in 1204. From the Crusaders from the fourth Crusadsal campaign, after the liquidation of Byzantium, with the capital in Constantinople. The Count Baldoin Flanders (1204-1205 / 6) was elected for the first king, and Venetia Tomozo Morozins was placed on Constantinople Patriarch. The Kingdom occupied Thrace, the northwest of Asia Minor, the majority of Macedonia and Greece, as well as some Aegean islands. The Kingdom suffered a catastrophic defeat from the Bulgarians in the Battle of Adrianopol (1205), which was captured by Emperor Baldoin. The top of its development The Kingdom was achieved at the time of Emperor Henrich and (1206-1216), the brother of a baldoin, who led successful wars with neighbors (Nickea, Bulgaria, Epirus, Brow). After his death, he started quickly. Nikea King Michael ⅷ Paleologist (1261) almost without a struggle won Constantinople and renewed the Byzantine Empire. Lit.: J. Lungnon, L’emerator Latin de Conpentinuple ET La Principal de Meate, Paris, 1949; A. Customs, Peer Unna did Delle’imper Latino di Chosostantinoli (1204-1261), Bologren, 1978. K. Ag. Lafazanovski, Ermis.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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