Anthropogenic soils. Anthroposol – anthropogenic soil. A large group of soils that differ from natural soils are educated under the influence of an anthropogenic factor with processes of anthropogenization. It features the presence of anthropogenic horizons or anthropogenic soil materials. In this large group of soils include six soil types: Rigosol, Hortisole, Rizosol, Iiragran Anthroposol, Deposol and Flotisol. Rigosol – rigorous soil. It is educated with the rigination of natural soils, deeper than 60 cm. It is characterized by the presence of an aric (rigoric) horizon, which lies on the rest of the solum or on the substrate of rigorous natural soils. It covers an area of over 40,000 ha. The vineyards are raised on it, and less and fruit gardens. Hortisole – garden soil. Anthropogenic soil, obtained with anthropogenic enrichment with organic substances on the upper part of the soline of natural soils, mainly in gardening and floriculture. Part of the hortisoles are terraced. It features the presence of a horetic horizon under which the lower part of the soline soil is located. It features more fertility than the natural soil from which it originated. It occupies very small surfaces. Rizosol – rice soil. Anthropogenic soil obtained by processes of riglation of various types of natural soils on which rice is grown. Part of the rizosols are collected or terraced. It features the presence of a hydraulic horizon. Used for rice growing. Occupies more than 5,000 ha. Iiragrial anthroposol – Colemized soil. Anthropogenic soil, which is distinguished by the presence of an Iirrial horizon. It is educated with long-term continuous watering with water rich in irrigating sediment, which is deposited and colm. Colemation is usually occurring along with rice rice rice. Part of our rizosols are at the same time kolized soils. Deposol – anthropogenic soil, educated with dry disposal (application) of geogens, pedogenic or technogenic materials in coal and zinc mines, with various earthen work in construction, water economy and thermal power plants. It occupies a small surface (about 2,000 ha). The Deposol obtained by applying slag in open coal coal can with success to be melibrated (reclaimed). Flotisol – Tehnogena anthropogenic soil, educated from waste material, obtained by flotation of ore in mines and delivered and deposited with water. This material is rich in lead and zinc. It features the presence of toxic flotation soil materials. Covers quite small surfaces. Lit.: F. Filipovski, Soils of the Republic of Macedonia, ⅵ. Anthropogenic soils (anthroposols), MANU, Skopje, 2004. F. F.
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