Kumani (Pollans) – Nomadic tribes of Turkish origin. In xi c. Prompt from Asia in Europe, inhabiting the Southern Steps and territories in the Lower Danube. As Byzantine allies, participated in the battle against the bakingists in Levunion (1091). They represented an important factor in the Second Bulgarian Empire, especially in the uprising of the brothers Peter and Assen (1185). Suppressed by the Mongols (1230), retreated to Hungary, Bulgaria and Byzantium. Nikea King John ⅲ Vatatz inhabited them as stratiotes in Thrace, in Macedonia and in Asia Minor. It is considered that after the Kumani received their name the city of Kumanovo and the villages Kumanzevo (Tikvesh and Kostur). Lit.: P. Diacon, Les Tsumans AU Bass Danuele Beaj Xi ET ⅻ Sianles, Bucearest, 1978; D. Island, O Prinniarima Kumanima, Proceedings Vladimen, Belgrade, 1977, 63-74. K. Ag.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КУМАНИ