Kitanov, Alexander (Sando) (village Lesko, Gornokuma, 1868 – p. Rusinovo, Maleshevo, 23. ⅻ 1906) – Teacher, revolutionary and duke. Graduated from pedagogical teaching in Skopje (1898). Teached in the native village. He was an active member of the MoR, a participant in the Miss Stone affair, Chetnet in the Cheta of Mr. Delchev and Cross Assen. After the Ilinden Uprising he was a duke in Kukushko and Maleshevo. He died together with Dame Gruev in the fight against the Ottoman army at the top Petell in the village. Rusinovo. Lit.: “Macedonian-offensive overview”, no. 31, 1907. V. F. Boris Pavlov Kitanov Kitanov, Boris Pavlov (Sofia, 28. ⅲ 1912 -?, 1998) – Known Florist, phytogenographer, phytochanologist, peleobotic, who discovered 105 taxa, new for science. After an invitation from the Government of Macedonia, he came to Skopje and participated in the organization of the teaching of biology at the Skopje university. He was the first professor of botany and the first head of the Biological Institute. Organizes herbarium of the Botanical Institute, with Herbari materials from the Balkan Peninsula. He formed the Department of Biology and their associates organized teaching and laboratories for practical exercises in botany. In the academic year 1948/49 He returned to Sofia. L. Gr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КИТАНОВ, Александар