Katanziev, Kostadin.

Katradziev, Kostadin (village Gydevo, District, 1896 – Razlog 8. ⅰ 1944) – Professional revolutionary, member of VMRO (OBM), one of the founders of the partisan movement in the Pirin part of Macedonia. He was a member of the BCP and actively participated in the September uprising Kostadin Katanziev (1923). Then he emigrated to the kingdom of SCS. He returned to his native end (1925) and settled in the village. Bachevo, District. He became a member of VMRO (OBM), but arrested and sentenced (1935) in the process against VMRO (OB). After leaving prison, the organizer of the partisan movement was. In an armed clash with the police, he was badly wounded (ⅻ 1943), captured and killed at the hospital in the exploration. Lit.: Georgi Dzoov (Drago), for whom the Murri, Sofia, 1971; Unlival 1922/1944, Smote: Died in Fighting Capitalism and Fascism From Blagoevgrad Ordanship, BCP, Sofia, 1971. V. Nd. Dimitar Kafanziev

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАТРАНЏИЕВ, Костадин

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