Karev, Nikola (Krusevo, 1877 – p. Rajcani, 1905) – Teacher, Socialist and national Dean, Revolutionary and Duke. It ends the fourth class in the Bitola high school, and at 16 years he departs in Bulgaria. Together with Vasil Glavinov, on whose influence he accepts socialist ideas, establish the Macedonian-Department of Social Democratic Group (1896). Later, Vele Markov sets a socialist group in Krushevo (1899). In TMORO, it is included after the First Socialist Conference, and the Smilevan Congress (1903) was elected Gorse Chief of Krushevo region and as such participates in the Ilinden Uprising (2,903) and in the liberation and defense of Krushevo. After staying for some time in Bulgaria, he starts with the company in Macedonia, but on his way to Krushevo, he dies in battle with the Turkish army in the village. Rajcani. Lit.: History of Krushevo and Krusevo, Krushevo, 1978; O. Ivanoski, Nikola Karev, Bitola, 1991; K. Topuzoski, Nikola Karev 1877-1905 – life and then, Skopje, 2005; Nikola Karev. Time and work, Skopje, 1969; Blaze Ristovski, Nikola Karev and Vele Markov in the folk song, in Rev.: Macedonian folklore and national consciousness. Research and records, and, Skopje, 310-327; Tanas Detjinovski, Macedonian historical traditions, Skopje, 1992, 293-294. B. R.-J.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРЕВ, Никола