Angelov, Dimitar Tashov

Angelov, Dimitar Tashov (Dime Gaber) (village Vatasha, Kavadarechko, 14. ⅹ 1916 – Vrinka Lesa, Kavadarech, 10. ⅵ 1943) – Teacher, Dian of the communist movement and one of the organizers of the National Liberation Movement in Tikvesh, a military head . He graduated from the Teacher School in Belgrade, Zajecar and Negotin Krajina. He was a member of the MK of the CPY in Kavadarci (1940). For some time he was arrested in the Veles prison. After the fascist occupation he was a teacher in the villages of the Picture and Rades, and then crossed into the illegality (1942). He was a political commissioner of the Tikvesh NOO “Good Daskalov” and the third operational zone of New and Pom (1943). He died in a placed ambush from the Bulgarian army and police during the transition of Crna Reka. Open in more folk songs. Lit.: Aleksandar Grkov, Tikvesh in Noob. Proceedings of the fallen fighters and victims of the fascism of Kavadarchko, Kavadarci, S.A.; Dime Boev, Dimmer Angel-hunting, teacher and revolutionary, Kavadarci, 1987; Gorgi Malkovski, the last bullet for himself. Towards the 45th anniversary of the heroic death of the Dimus of Angel-Gaber and Todor Angelovski – Tosho Daskal, “Nova Makedonija”, Julk, 14864, Skopje, 11. ⅵ 1988, 14. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНГЕЛОВ, Димитар Ташов

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