The Border Representation of TMORO (Sofia, 1896-1908) – Representative office openly with a decision of the Congress of the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization in Thessaloniki (1896), with the function of a representative office for external relations of the Central Committee. The need for such a representative office in the first years of the actions of the organization was imposed for several reasons: for providing tangible assets (revolutionary literature and weapons) from the numerous Macedonian emigration; For the moneying of the claims of Bulgaria, it is imposed as an agent of the interests of Macedonia, represented as a Bulgarian country, and the Supreme Macedonian Committee in Sofia as a representative of the Bulgarian organization in Macedonia; The Central Committee should be legitimized as the only legal representative of the Macedonian people, to his struggle for release and for the creation of a Macedonian state. At the time just before the Ilinden uprising unofficially, Prior to the end of the Ilinden Uprising there was an initiative for a border representative office in Serbia, (in a white city), and after the uprising and Switzerland (Geneva). These two representative offices were not open. Lit.: Aleksandar Hristov, the creation of the border (diplomatic) representative office of VMRO. The creation of the Macedonian state 1878-1978, Skopje, 1985; Ljuben Lape, the place and the role of the Framework Representative Office of the Secret Macedonian-Angle Revolutionary Organization since the establishment to the Young Turk Revolution, Ilinden articles, B, Bitola-Krushevo, 1983; Dimitar Dimeski, the Border Representative of TMRO (1896-1903), CB. One hundred years since the foundation of VMRO and 90 years of the Ilinden Uprising, Skopje, 1994. M. Min.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet